

Today we ran/walked 4 miles...I was lonely with a bad attitude...not the easiest way to run. I realize now how much easier running in cheer was because there were 30 other girls around you who wouldn't let you quit. Kristen didn't run with us today so I was alone. When you're trudging along on your first mile you need someone there to help you out...let you know you can do it. You should probably have enough will power to do so on your own but today I didn't :-(. I wanted to run the entire time because I am determined to run the whole 1/2 marathon and only walk as a last resort. At the end I decided to get with it and have a better attitude:-). Once we got home I remembered that this is technically only our first week of running and the fact that we are already at four miles is pretty darn good but I was being hard on my self. Unfortunately I did not hydrate nor eat properly before we went out. I was only nauseous for about two hours after running! Luckily I have a wonderful husband and friend who went out and got me dinner so I didn't have to gag the whole way to Chick-Fil-A in the car. They were either being nice or just didn't want to see that, LOL!

Well this was a pretty good first week of school and I got called off today! I was actually looking forward to only working a 6 hour sift, but oh well. This semester is going to be tiring but we've made it this far and there's no going back. We have a three day weekend and we will need the rest to be ready for this journey called Third Semester! Med-Surge should be...well it's med-surge so who knows, but I am EXCITED for Peds! They say we should be scared of the parents and of our little ones escaping their cribs to run amok in the halls but it makes me happy to think of helping such adorable little children and that of course makes me SMILE:-)!


I <3 Spandex!

Ok so I don't really love spandex but after today I like it a lot:-)! Today was day three of running and we have officially recruited more crazy people! These people would be Kevin (who at first said he was only doing the 8k on Oct. 5th but is now goin for the whole thing) and Kristen K. (from nursing)! Thank goodness for Kristen because she actually runs at my pace and I have someone to run with. Oh yeah, back to the spandex, LOL! I wore my new not so cute Under Amour (sp?) ones today and I can't believe I ever lived without them! The actual running was not made any easier by them (nope that was still sucky) but my thighs were much happier today. We are running about three miles with only a few breaks of walking...I really must get back into running straight through...where is Ms. Jones when you need her to tell you you can't stop or you'll be running extra?! I finally uploaded new songs to my iPod and made a new running list...I have had the same one for about two years and there is only so many times you can listen to "AM to PM" before you wanna shoot your self. Hopefully the good ol' "Jo Bros" as Brant would call them will keep me going for a while.

*Hopefully I will get some pics up soon of our little running "team"!


Who knew your car tire could actually fall off...or almost.

My car has been making this thunking sound on the right front side. We were pretty sure it was the tire but didn't see any obvious signs of there being something wrong. It was getting worse so I knew I had to take it in today (it's been doing this for three days). I was afraid it was going to be something actually under the car and it would cost a billion dollars (one of the cheapest cars in the world is also the most expensive to take care of mostly just because things always go wrong with it!). Went to Discount with Jenny this morning and within two seconds of looking at it...the guy's like "uh oh" which is never a great phrase in dealing with cars. He told us I was missing two lug nuts and my tire was trying to fall off...the fact that it had been getting worse meant that it was going to...sweet! Well anyways 45 mins and an amazing turkey cranberry from Paradise later it was all fixed! Two good things...it was free and we didn't kill ourselves or anyone driving with us :-)!

Before the tire incident we went to Sports Authority...not too exciting but anyways. After about two handfuls of clothes and an hour later we now have some much better running attire. A few things we learned:

1. Good running clothes are EXPENSIVE

2. Good running clothes are not always cute running clothes

3. Sports Authority has no coupons or discount program...sucky

and the best of all...

4. We are almost 22 years old and just now know what a good sports bra is supposed to feel like...our apologies to the girls ;-)!

We did it...

Jenny and I officially signed up for the 1/2 marathon...in other words they have our $75 and there's no goin back! I decided that I am also going to use this blog as my running journal...we have been reading a book where the author kept a journal the entire time she trained for a marathon and it seemed to keep her alive, LOL! Now our journey is only half of what she had to go through but I am sure it will still find some way to kick our butts! I actually purchased about 5 books a Borders today on running...the cashier either thought I was crazy or that I possibly had never even heard of this thing called running and needed five books to teach me everything there is to know but I just wanted to be prepared. Since we only began reading them tonight I cannot tell if they are actually helping or scaring us more but I'm sure we'll figure it out. We had our first training session tonight...only 35 mins of running (8 of that walking) on the treadmill...now I know that doesn't sound like much but trust me it is just enough time to let you know that cheer shorts and short spandex are DEFINITELY the wrong way to go...I know I wanted to slim down my inner thighs but I am not sure actually rubbing them off is the way to do it cause it kinda hurts. Tomorrow Jenny and I's top priority is to hit Sports Authority for some new running clothes because apparently high school cheer attire just ain't gonna cut it!


School is almost here!

Here are some more pics from Andrew and Theresa's wedding that I really love! Things have been going really well! Summer went by increadibly fast but I am anxious to start school again...Brant is actually a little excited as well due to the fact he got a really wonderful studio teacher and a new person will be teaching the hardest class of all 5 years. Which is good news because although he doesn't get many, he deserves a break every once in a while!

This past Sunday I had to work but when I got there they had me floating to the Med-Onc floor...fine I though I'd love to float somewhere new! I didn't know what in the world I was doing though and I didn't have any one to talk to. Thankfully about 20 mins in they came back and said someone on my floor didn't come in and I would have to go back...I was never so excited to get back to 2100 in my life, LOL! Although increadibly busy, I ended up having a really good rest of the day. I think I was just able to really appreciate what I have there. I was even able to put in two Foley's in one day! I did both of them correctly...the second all by my self:-)! I just feel that much more confident now going into third semester! I have contacted the manager in the Women's Center and would still love to transfer but I only work Friday's now so I know I can make it...finally I will have a job that lasts more than three months HAHA!

I have been working hard with a personal trainer from SWAT fitness for the last three weeks...I have six months all together. I finally just realized I couldn't get back into shape by my self...it costs more than I would like but both Brant and I agreed it was for the best. I really haven't talked about it much with anyone except for a few close friends but I just really wanted it to be for me. The biggest news...I have officially decided to run the P.F. Chang's Half Marathon...crazy I know! Jenny is going to do it with me. I know it will be very hard and a long road getting there but it is one of the things on my Bucket List and this is the best year to do it...plus my trainer is going to help me getting ready for it. It is Sunday Januray 18th and it will be here before I know it! Now I just have to officially sign up for it...that I think will be the biggest challenge...once I've put in my $75 there's no going back, LOL! Maybe we can find some more crazies to do it with us:-)! Meg said she'd love to but due to her leg problems Jenny and I would be pushing her in a wheelchair LOL....it could be interesting ;-)!
Oh and Meg and Mark's house is ALMOST done!! While Brant and I can't have a house built yet...I am proud to say we are having a room built HAHA! Mark and Meg have been gracious enough to let us have one room in their house to call our own...literally they call it Heather and Brant's room LOL! Anyways...I am just so excited for them and I can't wait until they have little Megan and Mark's to put in it ;-)!
OK well that's it for now...many more updates to come once school starts!


It's been a while...

So I haven't posted in quite some time but there has been a lot going on! Between Andrew and Theresa's wedding and Newport for vacation we have been running around like crazy. It is now time to calm down for a few weeks and then school starts! Most would say UGH but I can't wait! This is going to be a busy semester but I am excited for the new things to come. Between learning how to start IVs, getting to spend more time with the little ones in our Peds rotation and dance class I couldn't be happier, LOL! Plus that means there is just one less semester until we graduate!! I also cannot wait to see everyone again...it feels like an eternity since we've had the nursing group together. It has been so wonderful, though, to spend just about every weekend this summer in Phoenix! We have some really amazing friends who always make the drive well worth it:-)! It has been really neat to see Meg and Mark's house going up...and to see "our" bedroom there coming along HAHA! We always tell them we're gonna stay with them when we come home after it's done...I'm sure they're just thrilled, LOL!