Here are some more pics from Andrew and Theresa's wedding that I really love! Things have been going really well! Summer went by increadibly fast but I am anxious to start school again...Brant is actually a little excited as well due to the fact he got a really wonderful studio teacher and a new person will be teaching the hardest class of all 5 years. Which is good news because although he doesn't get many, he deserves a break every once in a while!
This past Sunday I had to work but when I got there they had me floating to the Med-Onc floor...fine I though I'd love to float somewhere new! I didn't know what in the world I was doing though and I didn't have any one to talk to. Thankfully about 20 mins in they came back and said someone on my floor didn't come in and I would have to go back...I was never so excited to get back to 2100 in my life, LOL! Although increadibly busy, I ended up having a really good rest of the day. I think I was just able to really appreciate what I have there. I was even able to put in two Foley's in one day! I did both of them correctly...the second all by my self:-)! I just feel that much more confident now going into third semester! I have contacted the manager in the Women's Center and would still love to transfer but I only work Friday's now so I know I can make it...finally I will have a job that lasts more than three months HAHA!
I have been working hard with a personal trainer from SWAT fitness for the last three weeks...I have six months all together. I finally just realized I couldn't get back into shape by my costs more than I would like but both Brant and I agreed it was for the best. I really haven't talked about it much with anyone except for a few close friends but I just really wanted it to be for me. The biggest news...I have officially decided to run the P.F. Chang's Half Marathon...crazy I know! Jenny is going to do it with me. I know it will be very hard and a long road getting there but it is one of the things on my Bucket List and this is the best year to do my trainer is going to help me getting ready for it. It is Sunday Januray 18th and it will be here before I know it! Now I just have to officially sign up for it...that I think will be the biggest challenge...once I've put in my $75 there's no going back, LOL! Maybe we can find some more crazies to do it with us:-)! Meg said she'd love to but due to her leg problems Jenny and I would be pushing her in a wheelchair could be interesting ;-)!
Oh and Meg and Mark's house is ALMOST done!! While Brant and I can't have a house built yet...I am proud to say we are having a room built HAHA! Mark and Meg have been gracious enough to let us have one room in their house to call our own...literally they call it Heather and Brant's room LOL! Anyways...I am just so excited for them and I can't wait until they have little Megan and Mark's to put in it ;-)!
OK well that's it for now...many more updates to come once school starts!
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